My article, “City Limits: The Cockney Aesthetics of Omniscience in Dickens’ Bleak House” is currently under revision.
Recently, my writing appeared in The Hardy Society Journal. My reviews of recently published poetry and fiction can be found online at Asymptote, Music & Literature, and Jacket2:
Essay: “On the Hardy Tree, or Living Form: Aesthetics, Infrastructure, and the Gothic,” The Hardy Society Journal, Summer 2024.
Review: “Here at the midpoint of my life”: Jana Prikryl’s Midwood (Norton, 2022) & Kerri Webster’s Lapis (Wesleyan, 2022), Jacket2
Review: Norah Lange’s People in the Room (And Other Stories Press, 2018), Music & Literature
Review: Elise Levine’s Blue Field (Biblioasis Press, 2017), Music & Literature
Interview: “Hannah LeClair In Conversation with Poet Denis Hirson,” Asymptote Journal